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Typo Tuesday!

One thing I’ve noticed about some blogs is that they have a theme for a particular day of the week. I’ve decided to try out “Typo Tuesday” to demonstrate the eagle eye I have for finding typos everywhere I go. A few months ago I even started keeping a Word document with screenshots of typos I find. It’s already quite a lengthy list, and I only take a screenshot if I find a typo in a serious, mainstream, non-message board website. If I didn’t set these limits, I’d never have time for anything else!

All right, let’s give this a go! I found this typo while preparing for a job interview for a position as a translation editor, a job which I would still dearly love to find. I do some proofreading and editing in my current work, but not nearly enough! This particular job didn’t work out because they weren’t completely honest in the job listing. They said the job was 100% remote, but in reality it was mostly remote with a requirement to work in the office part of the time. Said office was too far away, unfortunately.

In preparation for the job interview, I looked up a CAT (computer-assisted translation) tool the listing said the company used. I don’t have tons of experience using CAT tools, so I wanted to try this one out so I’d have something to say about it in the interview. What did I find, but a typo right in the software! I mentioned it to the interviewer and he was impressed.

Do you see it? Right there in the dialog box, “length” is spelled “lenght.” That’s one that would have been caught by any spell checker, but many of the typos I find are spelled perfectly fine, but they’re the wrong word for the context. Anyway, this is the start of Typo Tuesday! I have plenty more to go!






