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CAT Software

Typo Tuesday, Week 4

My MS Word document full of typos is so long, I’m going to start adding at least two screenshots per entry for Typo Tuesday. At some point I may run low and change that, but I doubt it will happen soon because I come across typos all the time.

First up for today, we have another entry from the Wordfast CAT (computer-assisted translation) software I checked out before a job interview.

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Typo Tuesday!

One thing I’ve noticed about some blogs is that they have a theme for a particular day of the week. I’ve decided to try out “Typo Tuesday” to demonstrate the eagle eye I have for finding typos everywhere I go. A few months ago I even started keeping a Word document with screenshots of typos I find. It’s already quite a lengthy list, and I only take a screenshot if I find a typo in a serious, mainstream, non-message board website. If I didn’t set these limits, I’d never have time for anything else! Read More »Typo Tuesday!